Eagle-Grip™ attachments can be equipped with
custom load cells and indicators to providing
a self contained means of weighing single
drums using a lift truck or stacker. There
are no external connections to the lift truck
besides the OSHA safety chain.
Eagle-Grip™ 1 & 2 Series attachments are
recommended for most industrial weighing and
drum handling applications.
Eagle-Grip™ 3 & 4 Series attachments are
necessary for high volume handling and when
intrinsically safe weighing is required for
hazardous areas.
with intrinsically safe weighing systems are
provided with non-sparking jaws and heavy
belts to support the lower third of the drum.
attachments are also available for weighing
up to two drums at a time. These models
require the indicator to be mounted to the
overhead guard of the lift truck. Weights
for each drum can be stored and downloaded
to a computer through the indicator.
An optional label printer provides a means
of tracking product, printing company information,
weights and more.
in U.S.A.